Discrimination and Workplace Bullying

Currently our law office quite often handles cases of discrimination and workplace bullying, namely in the area of remuneration, attitude toward employees, etc.

We are extensively experienced in negotiations for employers and employees. We represent clients also in case of inspections of the labour inspectorate in this area, and also at court hearings.


Summary of Services

CONSULTANCYCONSULTANCYWe offer consultations in the area of labour law, collective bargaining, and all related labour-law areas for employees and employers.INTERNAL DIRECTIONSINTERNAL DIRECTIONSWhether for small companies with one employee or for multinational companies with thousands of employees, we prepare internal regulations (directions) regulating benefits.EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS AND DOCUMENTATIONEMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS AND DOCUMENTATIONWe will prepare employment contracts, wage or salary statements, work content, personal questionnaires, as well as all documentation in connection with GDPR for you.COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTSCOLLECTIVE AGREEMENTSWe will prepare or revise collective agreements for you, advise you on interpretation of individual provisions, or we may even conduct consultations with you during collective agreements bargaining.IMPROPER TERMINATION OF AN EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPIMPROPER TERMINATION OF AN EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPWe will lead you completely through the pre-court negotiation, we will review the validity or invalidity of a notice of termination or any other type of termination of an employment relationship for you.REPRESENTATION BEFORE A COURTREPRESENTATION BEFORE A COURTWe successfully represent our clients, both employees and employers, in court proceedings on improper termination of an employment relationship, and also in cases of dealing with work accidents and other disputes.EMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGN CITIZENSEMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGN CITIZENSWe secure comprehensive consultancy in the area of employment of foreign citizens for our clients.LABOUR INSPECTORATELABOUR INSPECTORATEWe help employers during inspections of the labour inspectorate. We will guide our clients through the stage before the beginning of an inspection, during the beginning of an inspection, and even in case of potentially imposed penalties in a court proceeding.COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGECOMPENSATION FOR DAMAGEOne of the most frequent types of court disputes between employees and employers is the disputes related to compensation for damage from labour-law relationships.PERSONAL AUDITPERSONAL AUDITFor our clients we also handle personal audits and provide comprehensive legal consultancy. If you need to advise or consult HR of your company, we are fully available for you.TRAININGSTRAININGSWe organize both open lectures and custom-made trainings for our clients from the ranks of employees and employers. We have already trained more than 10.000 participants.ENFORCEMENT OF CLAIMSENFORCEMENT OF CLAIMSWe handle enforcement of claims for our clients out of court (by settlement), but we also represent them at court hearings. We are highly successful in court disputes.ILLEGAL EMPLOYMENTILLEGAL EMPLOYMENTIllegal employment is one of the most often examined areas by the labour inspectorate. We advise our clients how to proceed with employment of employees in compliance with the labour code.DISCRIMINATIONDISCRIMINATIONCurrently our law office quite often handles cases of discrimination and workplace bullying, namely in the area of remuneration, attitude toward employees, etc.WHISTLEBLOWING (PROTECTION OF WHISTLEBLOWERS)WHISTLEBLOWING (PROTECTION OF WHISTLEBLOWERS)We are extensively experienced in the area of protection of whistleblowers and within the application of legal regulation of whistleblowing.

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